Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Couple of Days

Monday, I went as a guest of my friends Judy and Leigh to a meeting of the Michigan Association of Calligraphers. We made weathergrams....


Today, I forced myself to make earring cards for the WAVE Festival on Saturday. This has become an exercise in frustration as I an forcing my printer to it's very edge as far as printing on weighty card stock. I finally ordered some flimsier stuff as backup. 


  1. So, are you spoz to hang those in the trees and let the weather weather them. If I spelled that 2nd weather right... I don't know.

    1. Yes, from equinox to solstice...or solstice to equinox. Then, I can use them in collage/mixed media stuff. I was really excited when we had all that rain.
