Saturday, January 18, 2025

Monstersheets and Some Cooking

I've created two mastersheets that are about 36" by 24"...monstersheets. I even experimented with gesso transfers. I think I'm ready to tear these into pages.

And, I tried a new recipe...sticky sesame cauliflower. It looks delicious but was a bit too tangy. I'll have to make some adjustments.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025


I managed to get a little bit of Fodder school in for December...some woodgrain experiments with the gelliplate....thanks to Sally Hirst .


And I'm working on big mastersheets for January Fodder School with Liz Constable. My first is done. It's about 36" by 24". I can't wait to tear into this for book pages.



Sunday, December 29, 2024

Baking Queen

 I spend most of the month baking cookies! 

And then, because I couldn't let fresh cranberries go to waste...muffins!
Today, because the butternut squash has been rolling around the kitchen for much too long, I made soup!


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

More Books

I made a few more mastersheets and then made more books. Now, I'm stuck, waiting to have a backyard burn so I can "age" some tins.

And I started gluing fodder scraps to my Kindle cover. This feels like a perpetual work in progress. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Mastersheets and a Book

I combined pieces of my eco-dyed papers into several master sheets...

And then I cut them into pages for a book to fit in a tin.

I had a video but Blogger isn't cooperating right now so here are a few photos...


Friday, November 15, 2024

Altered Photos, Sigils, and an Enso

I tried all of Jack's photo altering techniques, and combined a few. I can't walk by my work table without messing with a photo. 

I finally moved on to the sigils. Jack's demonstration used positive affirmations and I started with those. But then I went to the dark was cathartic.  It's a great way to say the things I'm feeling after this election. Can't wait to use some in a few greeting cards to a few special people. 
I also followed Jack's lesson and made an ensō. I absolutely love it.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Life Goes On

I'm trying to stay in the now, and I'm trying to keep my heart open. That's all I can do right now. And I'm keeping busy. Creating helps. 

I jumped into the most involved of Jack Ravi's lessons and created bundles of papers to dye. I loved the look of my bundles and I had very low expectations for color...I was very heavy handed with the turmeric. 

Opening the wet bundles and trying to find space to lay my soggy papers out to dry was challenging, but I did it. And when the papers were dry and the dust brushed away, I was amazed. It was like being back in college, pulling pottery out of a raku firing and hoping for flashes of beautiful color. 

I wanted to start more bundles immediately but I knew that there were more Jack Ravi lessons to try and I am moving on some of his photo altering techniques.